Train your dog to "drop it" reliably for $19.99 (On Sale $10)
'Drop it' is a necessary command in order to keep your dog safe and healthy.
It is inevitable that your dog will one day put something in their mouth that shouldn’t be there. Having a strong “drop” cue can save you from an unnecessary veterinarian trip.
Drop is a great way to teach your dog to share items. Until a dog is trained to drop on cue they may try to quickly swallow anything they think you will take away.
Drop will teach a dog to return a ball to you when playing fetch. Playing fetch with Drop is a source of exercise for the dog. Drop and fetch gives the dog a job to do when you remove the leash which can prevent running away.
For dogs that resource guard, having a strong drop behavior is imperative to helping you and your dog handle anxiety over food or bones in a positive manner.
Worried your dog has gotten a hold of something that is not good for them or could be dangerous to them? Teaching them to 'Drop It' could potentially save their lives!
Drop it is a great preventative when it comes to your precious pup getting a hold of something they are not supposed to have. These online courses teach you how to effectively train your dog to listen to your commands and share what they have in their mouth. Setting them up for success will avoid frustration for the learner as well as the trainer.